You Be The Detective
Music Mystery
Writer: Rebekah S.J.
Illustrator: Savio Mascarenhas

Wanda was perplexed. She was at the famed musician Mr. Yvanes Ver Staggm’s house. He’d suddenly disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a video stating that he had enough fame and wanted to live the rest of his life peacefully. Mr. Staggm had left most of his money for charitable organizations and had hidden the code to his bank account in his house. He’d wanted to be sure that only the police would find it. It had been hours but the detectives hadn’t found anything. The house was bare except for the music room which had a chair and many instruments.

Detective Wanda walked into the music room for the fifth time and looked around with a frown. There were some music sheets strewn on the piano’s sheet music holder. Detective Venam had already gone through them and there was nothing in them, except a few scribbles, some contact numbers, a drawing of a duck and some musical notations. Detective Wanda was about to leave when one sheet caught her eye.

“Of course!” she said with a slap to her forehead and rushed to Venam.

Venam looked up at her in surprise as she grabbed the birdcage and ran her fingers across its ridges before triumphantly shouting out, “I’ve got it!” Indeed, she had! The code had been inscribed onto the metal bars of the birdcage. Detective Wanda had done it again!

What did Detective Wanda see that made her suspect the code was on the birdcage?

Detective Wanda noticed that the music notes held the clue to where the code was. The notes read “CAGE” and hence, she suspected that the bank code was on the birdcage.

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