Tinkle Listicle
Women in Power
Writer: Linta Mary Philip
Illustrator: Shrutika Gorule

Given below is a list of women who were elected to the Constituent Assembly. In addition to drafting the Indian constitution, they also created history in various other ways: 

  1. Begum Qudsia became a member of the Uttar Pradesh legislative assembly seat in 1937. She voiced her dissent against the zamindari system. She believed that land belonged to the tenants toiling away and should be taken away from the zamindars (landowners) who refused to part with it. She became part of the Constituent Assembly in 1946 and was the only Muslim woman elected to it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  2. Leela Roy challenged notions of womanhood by becoming the first woman to earn a Master’s degree from The University of Dhaka in 1923. She went on to form groupst o teach women financial independence and awareness of social issues. She joined a revolutionary independence group and was sentenced to six years in prison.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  3. Sarojini Naidu, also known as the Nightingale of India for her poetry, was an orator who spoke on topics close to her heart, such as child marriage and sati, a practice where widows were burned in the pyre of their dead husbands. In 1905, she published her first book of poetry. She was also among the first people to sign the draft of Satyagraha. In 1925, she became the president of the Indian National Council, the first woman to hold the position.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  4. Annie Mascarene was a member of the working committee of Travancore State Congress in 1938. She called out the corrupt ways of the then dewan*, Sir C. P. Iyer, and faced assaults and attempts on her life. She was also sentenced to several years in prison. She faced criticism for being a strong woman in a society dominated by men. After she was elected to the Constituent Assembly, she advocated that all princely states should become part of the new India.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  5. Sucheta Kriplani grew up in a patriotic household with strong values. She protested her British college principal’s demeaning comments on India. She campaigned to get women involved in the freedom movement. She set up the Women’s Wing of Indian National Congress in 1940. In the process, she was arrested, released and forced to operate underground. When communal riots broke out during the freedom struggle in several places, she played a pivotal role in bringing them under control. Sucheta participated in providing relief to those displaced during the partition. She went on to become India’s first female chief minister and served Uttar Pradesh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  6. Kamala Chaudhri joined the Indian National Congress in 1925 at the age of 17 to participate in the freedom struggle. She went on to organize Charkha Samitis to promote spinning and to include women in the freedom movement. She was jailed six times. She was also a feminist and a prolific writer.                                                                                                                                                                           
  7. Ammu Swaminathan overcame odds of gender, caste and child marriage, at the age of 13, to become a member of the Constituent Assembly. As an activist, she fought for women’s voting rights and equal constitutional rights. She also actively took part in the Quit India movement.   

*advisor to the king 

To know more about these trailblazers, pick up Women in Power by Amar Chitra Katha.  

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