Tinkle Tells You Why...
…We snore and more!
Writer: Rebekah S J
Illustrator: Shrutika Gorule

we get pimples. 

The sebaceous gland is a small gland in our skin that produces oil. It is usually located in hair follicles (tiny holes from which hair grows). This oil helps in keeping our skin flexible and moist. However, sometimes the path between the gland and the skin gets blocked. This causes the oil to collect in the follicle. Blocked holes give rise to bacteria growth which in turn results in pimples appearing on the skin. This breaking out of pimples on the skin is called acne. During puberty, increased levels of hormones causes hair and skin to be oily, thus giving rise to acne. It is not a sign of uncleanliness or being dirty but a medical condition. If your acne is severe, consult a doctor. 

…we fart! 

Farting is the very normal process of expelling gas from our body. Much like burping, it just happens from the other end. We swallow air when we eat and drink. This air goes to the intestines. Gases also form when our bodies digest food. This combination of air and gases needs to be removed from the body and thus, we fart. A lot of farting can be caused by foods that your body finds difficult to digest, indigestion and other stomach issues. And psst… stinky farts are caused by certain food you eat! But once this food is out of your system, your farts should be back to non-smelly! 

…we snore. 

Snoring is a common problem that is often caused by a blocked airway. When we are awake, the tissues in our throat and the upper airway are open. This helps in the smooth passing of air. When something blocks the air from passing through the aiway, the tissues strike each other and vibrate. This releases sounds that we call snores. Sometimes cold and allergies can also create clogged airways. If snoring affects your sleep and health, don’t hesitate to ask a doctor for help. 


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