Tinkle Headlines
Exclusive: Mynah To Give Up Precious Possession!
Writer: Staff Reporter

TINKLE TOWN: Mynah Halbe is known as one of Tinkle town’s most avid readers, along with Sam (of Defective Detectives fame). So naturally, the Halbe house is full of books. But sources say that Mynah has been asked to get rid of all her books!

Mynah’s mother, Bina, has had enough after seeing Mynah enter the house with bags full of new books. Apparently, the bookshelves are full and Mynah’s books are now stacked on the floor. So Mynah has been asked to give away most of her books before the books replace the Halbe family in the house.


How will Mynah deal with this? Will she be able to part with her books? What drama will unfold in the house? Read Ina Mina Mynah Mo: Mynah Mania to find out!

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