10 Ant-rocious Jokes
Writer: Linta Mary Philip
Illustrator: Shivani Pednekar
Q: How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?
A: Ten-ants
Q: What kind of ant is good at maths?
A: An account-ant
Q: What do you call a 100-year-old ant?
A: Ant-ique
Q: Why do anteaters never fall ill?
A: They’re full of ant-ibodies.
Q: Why couldn’t the ant be persuaded?
A: Because she was adam-ant
Q: Why do ants join the army?
Answer: Because they are milit-ants
Q: What is the gender of an ant that floats on water?
A: Male, because it is buoy-ant.
Q: What do you call a confident ant?
A: Flamboy-ant
Q: What do you call an ant that won’t obey?
A: Defi-ant
Q: What do you call an alert ant?
A: Vigil-ant