Q: What did the mother flower tell her newborn baby?
A: “I love you a lily more each day!”
Q: What did the librarian tell the flower that loved books?
A: “You can poppyn any time!”
Q: What had the little bud written in its letter to its dad?
A: “I’m proud to be yorchid!”
Q: How do flowers drink water?
A: With their tulips!
Q: What did the florist tell the customer?
A: “Take it or leaf it!”
Q: What do flower best friends call each other?
A: Buds!
Q: What flower did the mother buy for her son?
A: Sonflowers!
Q: Why was the flower crying?
A: Because it had pollen down.
Q: How did the flower’s friends cheer her during the competition?
A: “You grow, girl!”
Q: What do you call a flower who’s a father?
A: Poppy!