Q: Why do astronauts not like restaurants on the Moon?
A: While their food may be good, they have no atmosphere.
Q: Which dance move is a favourite among astronauts?
A: The moonwalk.
Q: What does Suppandi have in common with astronauts?
A: Both can’t hold on to their jobs because as soon as they start, they get fired!
Q: What type of people become astronauts?
A: Those with high hopes.
Q: Why do astronauts have trouble keeping friends?
A: Because they need space.
Q: When are astronauts not hungry?
A: After a big launch.
Q: Why did the cow go to space?
A: To visit the Milky Way.
Q: How does the Solar System hold up its trousers?
A: With the asteroid belt.
Q: What do astronauts do when they see a green alien?
A: They wait until it’s ripe!
Q: What do you call a lazy person in space?
A: A procrastonaut.